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Members of EGEE-III are involved in developing and applying standards in many areas of Grid computing. NA5 is responsible for tracking EGEE-III's standardisation work and we present below our current inventory. For a fuller description of any item in the inventory, just give it a click.
Standards and standardisation working groups
- Certification Authority Operations Working Group - CAOPS-WG
- Distributed Resource Management Application API Working Group - DRMAA-WG
- Education and Training Community Group - ET-CG
- Grid Interoperation Now Community Group - GIN-CG
- Grid Laboratory Uniform Environment Working Group - GLUE-WG
- Grid Resource Allocation Agreement Protocol Working Group - GRAAP-WG
- Grid Scheduling Architecture Research Group - GSA-RG
- Grid Storage Management Working Group - GSM-WG
- High Performance Computing Profile Working Group - OGSA-HPCP-WG
- Information Dissemination Working Group - INFOD-WG
- International Grid Trust Federation - IGTF
- International Provenance and Annotation - IPAW
- Infrastructure Policy Group - IPG
- Job Submission Description Language Working Group - JSDL-WG
- Life Sciences Grid Research Group - LSG-RG
- Network Measurements Working Group - NM-WG
- Network Service Interface WG (NSI-WG)
- OGSA Authorization Working Group - OGSA-AUTHZ-WG
- OGSA Basic Execution Service Working Group - OGSA-BES-WG
- OGSA Data Movement Interface Working Group - OGSA-DMI-WG
- Production Grid Infrastructure Working Group - PGI-WG
- Resource Usage Service Working Group - RUS-WG
- Simple API for Grid Applications Core Working Group - SAGA-CORE-WG
- Usage Record Working Group - UR-WG
Organisational roles
OGF Board of Directors: Steven Newhouse (Chairman)
OGF Advisory Committee : Lennart Johnsson
OGF Applications Area Director : Dieter Kranzlmuller, Steven Newhouse
OGF Data Area Director : Erwin Laure
OGF Security Area Director: Jens Jensen
If you are a member of EGEE-III and involved in standardisation work which is not listed on this page, we would be very grateful if you could get in touch at project-eu-egee-iii-na5(at)