Collaborating Projects
Completed Collaborating Projects | Category: Middleware |
AssessGrid AssessGrid will address the risk awareness and consideration in SLA negotiation, self-organising fault-tolerant actions, and capacity planning. It will develop and integrate methods for risk assessment and management in all Grid layers. The corner stones are risk management scenarios reflecting the perspective of Grid end-users, brokers, and providers. The results will support all Grid actors by increasing the transparency, reliability, and trustiness as well as providing an objective foundation for planning and management of Grid activities. Thus, AssessGrid will supply Next Generation Grids with additional innovative and required components to close the gap between SLAs as concept and accepted tool for commercial Grid uptake. |
| Category: Infrastructure, Middleware Development |
BalticGridThe Baltic Grid project is of high strategic importance to the Baltic States. It aims to |
| Category: Infrastructure |
BalticGrid-II |
| Category:Support |
BELIEFBELIEF (Bringing Europe's eLectronic Infrastructures to Expanding Frontiers), funded by the EU's Sixth Framework Programme, is an international project to facilitate knowledge-exchange on eInfrastructures, and a one-stop home for public eInfrastructure documentation. This information will be readily accessible to BELIEF Community Members through the BELIEF Digital Library especially developed to provide a central repository for eInfrastructure Information. BELIEF brings together not just individual experts and potential users but also other eInfrastructure 'communities' and initiatives, from both research and industry worldwide. As a home for all research infrastructure communities and initiatives, BELIEF will help you expand visions of future eInfrastructure landscapes and provide a knowledge platform to realise them. |
| Category: Support, Action |
| Category: Support |
BioinfoGRID The BioinfoGRID project aims to promote Bioinformatics Grid applications for Life Science, in order to carry out Bioinformatics research based on Grid networking technology. More specifically the BioinfoGRID project will evaluate applications in the fields of Genomics, Proteomics, Transcriptomics and Molecular Dynamics, reducing data calculation times by distributing the calculation on thousands of computers using the European Grid infrastructure network. |
| Category: Infrastructure, Support |
CyclopsCYCLOPS aims to bridge the gap between Grid and GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) communities, making Civil Protection people aware of the services provided by Grid infrastructures, and, at the same time, letting Grid researchers know about Civil Protection's specific requirements and service enhancement needs. |
| Category: Support |
DEGREEDissemination and Exploitation of GRids in Earth sciencE |
| Category: Infrastructure, Support |
DILIGENTThe DILIGENT project is creating an advanced test-bed that will allow virtual e-Science communities to share knowledge and collaborate in a secure, coordinated, dynamic and cost-effective way. |
| Category: Infrastructure, Application |
D4Science DILIGENT 4 Science |
| Category::Infrastructure, Application |
EasyGrid EasyGrid automates high-energy distributed analysis job submission to EGEE grid farms. EasyGrid is an intermediate layer between grid middleware and user software that provides functionality to perform data and functional parallelism. Users without grid skills were able to use grid. The case studies were hadronic tau decays distributed analysis and neutral pion discrimination using genetic programming algorithms. |
| Category: Infrastructure, Application, Support |
EDGeS Enabling Desktop Grid for e-Science |
| Category: Application, Application Development Environment |
Edutain@Grid Online gaming is characterised by the high rate of interaction between the users, requiring very fast updates of information being passed from one computer to another. The faster the updates, the more immersive the game becomes and consequently adds significantly to the whole gaming experience. At present, online games run in static way that is dependant upon tight coupling of computer resources that are not flexible to strong fluctuations in the number of players. Users are very sensitive to interrupted game play, affecting their decision to play and ultimately their decision to purchase. Edutain@Grid seeks to meet these challenges through development of a Grid-based framework allowing responsive and interactive applications to exploit technology that has previously been applied to "big science". |
| Category:Infrastructure, Support |
EELA Presented in May to the 6th Framework Programme for Research,Technological Development and Demonstration,of the European Commission (EC), "E-Infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America" - EELA - further more than a project that speaks about a powerful and useful technological infrastructure (Grids, E-Infrastructure, Grid Applications,Training, etc.), is an enormous challenge of collaboration that, because of its approval, will be traduced in the union of two continents and 21 institutions by means of a powerful human network.
Using pilot resources available in some centers of Europe (Spain, Portugal and Italy, already integrated within the framework of the European project EGEE) and Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela), EELA will create a human network dedicated to work in Grids, e-Science and e-Infrastructure.
EELA's primary goal is: Through specific support actions, to position the Latin American countries at the same level of the European developments in terms of E-Infrastructure. |
| Category: Infrastructure |
EGI_DS The European Grid Initiative (EGI) Design Study represents an effort to establish a sustainable grid infrastructure in Europe. Driven by the needs and requirements of the research community, it is expected to enable the next leap in research infrastructures, thereby supporting collaborative scientific discoveries in the European Research Area (ERA). The main foundations of EGI are the National Grid Initiatives (NGI), which operate the grid infrastructures in each country. EGI will link existing NGIs and will actively support the setup and initiation of new NGIs. The goal of the EGI Design Study (EGI_DS) is to evaluate use cases for the applicability of a coordinated effort, to identify processes and mechanisms for establishing EGI, to define the structure of a corresponding body, and ultimately to initiate the construction of the EGI organization. The EGI Design Study is a project funded by the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme. |
| Category:Support action |
ETICS 2ETICS 2 is the second phase of the ETICS project and aims at expanding and enhancing the ETICS system designed and developed during the first phase. ETICS system offers its user community software build, test and quality certification services helping them to better manage complexity and improve the quality of their software. In other words the ETICS services allow users to fully automate the way their software is built and tested providing an "out-of-the-box" build and test system, powered with a build and test product repository and enriched with an automated quality certification model (A-QCM). Among the main users of the ETICS services are EGEE and D4Science.ETICS system is now reaching out to new communities and infrastructures, among these the Aerospace Engineering community and the Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications (DEISA). |
| Category: Infrastructure, Support |
EUChinaGRIDEUChinaGRID will provide specific support actions to foster the integration and interoperability of the Grid infrastructures in Europe (EGEE) and China (CNGrid) for the benefit of eScience applications and worldwide Grid initiatives, in line with the support of the intercontinental extension of the European Research Area (ERA).
The project will study and support the extension of a pilot intercontinental infrastructure using the GRID EGEE-enabled applications and will promote the migration of new applications on the Grid infrastructures in Europe and China by training new user communities and supporting the adoption of grid tools and services for scientific applications. |
| Category: Infrastructure |
EGRIDSet up an italian GRID infrastructure for finance and economic research. |
| Category: Infrastructure, Support |
EUMEDGRID The objective of the EUMEDGRID project is to, through Specific Support Actions, bring the less-experienced and less-resourced countries of the Mediterranean region to the level of European developments in terms of the eInfrastructures. With the networking infrastructure reaching stability through the EUMEDCONNECT project, the focus of the EUMEDGRID will be on Grid infrastructure and related eScience applications. A broad range of activities will focus on dissemination and outreach, hands-on workshops and close collaboration with related projects such as EUMEDCONNECT / GEANT, EGEE and SEE-GRID. |
| Category: Infrastructure, Support |
ETICS 2ETICS stands for "eInfrastructure for Testing, Integration and Configuration of Software". It provides a service to help software developers, managers and users to better manage complexity and improve the quality of their software. Using cutting edge Grid software and best practices, our service allows you to fully automate the way your software is built and tested. In other words, ETICS provide software professionals with an "out-of-the-box" build and test system, powered with a build and test product repository. |
| Category: Infrastructure, Support |
EU-IndiaGrid EU-IndiaGrid is funded by the European Commission, Research Infrastructure Unit, and is the first European and Indian Grid-focused project. EU-IndiaGrid supports interconnectivity between the European Grid infrastructure, EGEE, and the Indian Grid infrastructures, Garuda India Grid and Department of Atomic Energy Grid, to build a common infrastructure to support data processing for e-Science application areas, with a particular focus on Biology, High Energy & Condensed Matter Physics and Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. |
| Category: Infrastructure, Application, Grid tool development |
g-Eclipse |
| Category: Infrastructure |
GENESI-DR GENESI-DR (Ground European Network for Earth Science Interoperations - Digital Repositories) has the challenge of establishing open Earth Science Digital Repository access for European and world-wide science users to seamlessly access and share all data, information, products and knowledge originating from space, airborne and in-situ sensors. GENESI-DR shall operate, validate and optimise the integrated access and use available digital data repositories to demonstrate how Europe can best respond to the emerging global needs relating to the state of the Earth, a demand that is unsatisfied so far. |
| Category:Infrastructure, Application |
GRIDCCGrid enabled Remote Instrumentation with Distributed Control and Computation |
| Category: Application |
Health-e-Child The Health-e-Child project aims at developing an integrated healthcare platform for European pediatrics, providing seamless integration of traditional and emerging sources of biomedical information. |
| Category:Education |
ICEAGEERAis investing heavily in e-Infrastructure (e-I) to stimulate industry, improve the lives of citizens, accelerate research and gain international competitive advantage. For Europe to realise this expectation, there needs to be a diverse, knowledgeable, creative community, skilfully exploiting e-Infrastructure. ICEAGE will catalyse the necessary infrastructure and skills by establishing a world-wide initiative to inspire innovative and effective Grid Education (GE). By Grid Education we mean not only education in the use of the Grid, but also the use of the Grid in education. We use the term "Grid" in a broad sense to include computing and communications technology, working practices and policies that underpin e-Infrastructure. |
| Category: Infrastructure |
Interactive European Grid The goal of the project is to deploy and operate an interoperable production-level e-Infrastructure for demanding interactive applications that will impact the daily work of researchers. The main features of this scientific initiative are:
| Category: Support |
ISSeGIntegrated Site Security for Grids |
| Category: Infrastructure, Support |
OMII-EuropeOMII-Europe is an Open Systems project that endorses both the use of open standards and open source. OMII-Europe has chosen particular open standards for the Grid that it believes are essential to interoperability across global resources. The OMII-Europe vision is:
The emphasis is on the re-engineering of software components rather than on the development of new technology. OMII-Europe will develop a repository of quality-assured Grid services running on these existing major Grid infrastructures. The drivers for OMII-Europe are interoperability, quality-assurance and establishing itself as an impartial broker, giving advice on heterogeneous Grid solutions. |
| Category:Infrastructure, Application, Support |
SEE-GRID-2South Eastern European GRid-enabled elnfrastructure Development |
| Category: Infrastructure, Application. |
SIMDATGrids for Industrial Product Development. |