Collaborating Projects

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Completed Collaborating Projects

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01/04/2006 - 31/12/2008

Category: Middleware
Coordinator: TU Berlin
Project Coordinator: Odej Kao
Scientific Coordinator: Kerstin Voss


AssessGrid will address the risk awareness and consideration in SLA negotiation, self-organising fault-tolerant actions, and capacity planning. It will develop and integrate methods for risk assessment and management in all Grid layers. The corner stones are risk management scenarios reflecting the perspective of Grid end-users, brokers, and providers. The results will support all Grid actors by increasing the transparency, reliability, and trustiness as well as providing an objective foundation for planning and management of Grid activities. Thus, AssessGrid will supply Next Generation Grids with additional innovative and required components to close the gap between SLAs as concept and accepted tool for commercial Grid uptake.

Relation with EGEE:
Since only the concept and structure of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are defined, AssessGrid and EGEE aim to collaborate in the definition of concrete guarantee terms of SLAs. The required and important guarantee terms should be determined according to Grid user and provider requirements. Furthermore, EGEE supports the AssessGrid development in the analysis of statistical information on the usage of real Grid infrastructures. In particular, EGEE provides information about resource utilization, job distribution, average job duration, as well as monitoring data.

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01/11/2005 - 30/04/2008

Category: Infrastructure, Middleware Development
Coordinator: KTH
Project Coordinator: Ake Edlund
Administrative Contact: Inger Karlsson


The Baltic Grid project is of high strategic importance to the Baltic States. It aims to
- develop and integrate the research and education computing and communication infrastructure in the Baltic States into the emerging European Grid infrastructure,
- bring the knowledge in Grid technologies and use of Grids in the Baltic States to a level comparable to that in EU members states with a longer experience in the development, deployment and operation of Grids,
- further engage the Baltic States in policy and standards setting activities.

The integration of the Baltic States into the European Grid infrastructure will primarily focus on extending the EGEE (with which four partners are already engaged) to the Baltic States. The project will exploit EGEE developments as well as developments in related Grid projects to avoid duplication of effort. The innovations in the BalticGrid project are primarily expected to occur in the Joint Research Activities, which are focused on Security, Accounting and support for Service Level Agreements, and tools for uniform access to Grids and performance engineering of Grid applications.

Relation with EGEE:
Regional extension to the Baltic Region. JRA1 contribution on Accounting and Service Level Agreement.

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01/05/2008 - 30/04/2010

Category: Infrastructure
Coordinator: Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden
Project Director: Ake Edlund
Dissemination and Education:Robert Pajak


The BalticGrid-II project is designed to increase the impact, adoption and reach, and to further improve the support of services and users of the recently created e-Infrastructure in the Baltic States. This will be achieved by an extension of the BalticGrid infrastructure to Belarus; interoperation of the gLite-based infrastructure with UNICORE and ARC based Grid resources in the region; identifying and addressing the specific needs of new scientific communities such as nano-science and engineering sciences; and by establishing new Grid services for linguistic research, Baltic Sea environmental research, data mining tools for communication modelling and bioinformatics. The e-Infrastructure of 26 clusters built in five countries during the first phase of the BalticGrid is envisaged to grow, both in capacity and capability of its computing resources. The BG-II consortium is composed of 13 leading institutions in seven countries, with 7 institutions in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, 2 in Belarus, 2 in Poland, and one each in Sweden and Switzerland.

Relation with EGEE:
The collaboration in the framework of
– the e-Infrastructure interoperability (the BAlticGrid-II e-Infrastructure, based on the successful BalticGrid project, will be fully interoperable with the pan-European e-Infrastructure established by EGEE),
– dissemination and educational issues: participation in the EGEE events (conferences, user forums and exhibitions) and providing input for relevant EGEE initiated dissemination activities (e.g. press releases, newsletters, brochures, success stories, posters, web-based publications, multimedia material, etc.),
– network resource provisioning - investigating requirements of joining the global European monitoring infrastructure of the EGEE project - NPM (Network Perfomance Monitoring); the appropriate software and hardware will be obtained and deployed to participate in these infrastructure and to contribute to the global measurement databases with measurements describing connectivity from BalticGrid-II clusters to CERN and other important Grid centres in Europe.

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01/11/2005 - 31/10/2007

Coordinator: Metaware S.p.A. - Italy
Project Coordinator: Stephen Benians
Project Leader: Donatella Castelli


BELIEF (Bringing Europe's eLectronic Infrastructures to Expanding Frontiers), funded by the EU's Sixth Framework Programme, is an international project to facilitate knowledge-exchange on eInfrastructures, and a one-stop home for public eInfrastructure documentation. This information will be readily accessible to BELIEF Community Members through the BELIEF Digital Library especially developed to provide a central repository for eInfrastructure Information. BELIEF brings together not just individual experts and potential users but also other eInfrastructure 'communities' and initiatives, from both research and industry worldwide. As a home for all research infrastructure communities and initiatives, BELIEF will help you expand visions of future eInfrastructure landscapes and provide a knowledge platform to realise them.

Relation with EGEE:
EGEE signed a LoI with BELIEF to collaborate with the BELIEF partners in the setup of a digital library integrating EGEE documentation together with other relevant initiatives and present it in a way which meets users' needs. The collaboration led to include in the BELIEF DL EGEE metadata and documents from INDICO, EDMS and Training Library.

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01/04/2008 - 31/03/2010

Category: Support, Action
Coordinator: Metaware, Italy
Project Cordinator: Stephen Benians
BELIEF Project Office:BELIEF Project


BELIEF-II has the strategic objective to efficiently coordinate the communication of results, networking and knowledge between EU e-Infrastructure projects and their users to promote worldwide development and exploitation.
Thanks to its networking opportunities, which include the organisation of two e-Concertation meetings, two brainstorming events in Europe and three international symposia, held in India, Brazil and South Africa, BELIEF-II will build upon the first phase of the project to further strengthen the awareness and impact of e-Infrastructures on the emerging economies.
The BELIEF Digital Library (DL), which currently gathers over 13,500 e-Infrastructures documents, is a useful tool used by several EU projects for their documentation and dissemination activities. The DL ensures audiences have a one-stop-shop for researching a full range of multimedia information on e-Infrastructure projects. Enhancements of the DL will integrate a powerful Repository Service to supply access to stored material via standard protocols and ensure interoperability with different relevant repository infrastructures. Together with external dissemination tools like the "Zero-In" eMagazine, a high-impact e-Infrastructure publication reporting on key themes and pressing issues from a truly global perspective, the BELIEF-II DVD on e-Infrastructures, the e-Infrastructure Guide, the portal and the DL will form a key dissemination tool not only for projects' knowledge and content management but also for researchers and public wanting to search easily the most relevant activities and results of e-Infrastructures initiatives.

Relation with EGEE:
EGEE and BELIEF cooperate in several dissemination initiatives: EGEE is an active member of the Review Panel of the e-Infrastructure News Magazine (Zero-In) edited by BELIEF and will contribute to the script and filming of the BELIEF DVD on e-Infrastructures as well as the e-Infrastructure Guide. Moreover BELIEF - through its Portal and Digital Library - will offer to EGEE an additional medium for its dissemination activities.

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01/01/2006 - 31/12/2007

Category: Support
Coordinator: CNR-ITB - Italy
Project Coordinator: Luciano Milanesi


The BioinfoGRID project aims to promote Bioinformatics Grid applications for Life Science, in order to carry out Bioinformatics research based on Grid networking technology. More specifically the BioinfoGRID project will evaluate applications in the fields of Genomics, Proteomics, Transcriptomics and Molecular Dynamics, reducing data calculation times by distributing the calculation on thousands of computers using the European Grid infrastructure network.

Relation with EGEE:
The BioinfoGRID Specific Support Action will combine Bioinformatics services and applications for molecular biology users with the Grid Infrastructure created by the EGEE Project.

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01/06/2006 - 31/05/2008

Category: Infrastructure, Support
Coordinator: INFN - Italy
Project Coordinator: Dr. Alberto Masoni
Technical Manager: Dr. Stefano Cozzini


CYCLOPS aims to bridge the gap between Grid and GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) communities, making Civil Protection people aware of the services provided by Grid infrastructures, and, at the same time, letting Grid researchers know about Civil Protection's specific requirements and service enhancement needs.

Relation with EGEE:
EU-IndiaGrid supports interconnectivity between the European Grid infrastructure, EGEE, and the Indian Grid infrastructures, Garuda India Grid and Department of Atomic Energy Grid.

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01/06/2006 - 30/05/2008

Category: Support
Coordinator:UISAV - Slovakia
Project Coordinator: Ladislav Hluchy
Deputy Coordinator: Monique Petitdidier


Dissemination and Exploitation of GRids in Earth sciencE

Objectives of the DEGREE project are: bridge the Earth Science and Grid communities throughout Europe; ensure that Earth Science requirements are satisfied in next Grid technology; disseminate and promote uptake of Grid in wider Earth Science community.

Relation with EGEE:
Earth Science has been part of DataGrid, CrossGrid, EGEE and EGEE-II projects. DEGREE will provide more specific Earth Science requirements to EGEE-II and ensure they are satisfied in next Grid generation with integration of emerging technologies for managing Earth Science knowledge.

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01/09/2004 - 30/11/2007

Category: Infrastructure, Support
Coordinator: CNR-ISTI - Italy
Project Coordinator: Donatella Castelli
Administrative Contact: Jessica Michel


The DILIGENT project is creating an advanced test-bed that will allow virtual e-Science communities to share knowledge and collaborate in a secure, coordinated, dynamic and cost-effective way.

Relation with EGEE:
Study and experimentation of EGEE infrastructure and gLite middleware. Feedback gathering on activities performed bridging Grid and Digital Libraries domains via EGEE NA4, TCG, work groups, UIG, joint meetings and technical discussions, training and dissemination events.

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01/01/2008 - 31/12/2009

Category: Infrastructure, Application
Coordinator: GEIE ERCIM - France
Project Director: Donatella Castelli
Administrative and Financial Coord: Jessica Michel


DILIGENT 4 Science

The project will deploy, progressively consolidate and expand the e Infrastructures built so far by the EGEE and DILIGENT projects so that they address the needs of two major target disciplines (which have challenging differences but also interesting commonalities): Environmental Monitoring and Fishery Resources Management. As a result, thousands of scientists will obtain increasingly more facilities for creating Virtual Research Environments based on shared computation, storage, and generic service resources offered by EGEE and DILIGENT at a European level, as well as on data and domain-specific service resources offered by large international organizations, such as the European Space Agency, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and the Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research.

Relation with EGEE:
D4Science makes available to scientists the facilities for creating Virtual Research Environments based on shared computation, storage, and generic service resources. To achieve this D4Science:
– exploits EGEE services for computational intensive tasks requested by its user communities through the VO;
– integrates gLite job submission to the workflow definition process as part of new services for specific Virtual Research Environments;
– links to and extend the EGEE worldwide grid infrastructure with project's partners gLite nodes.

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12/06/2004 - 01/09/2007

Category::Infrastructure, Application
Coordinator: University of Manchester/GridPP - UK
Project Coordinator: James Cunha Werner


EasyGrid automates high-energy distributed analysis job submission to EGEE grid farms. EasyGrid is an intermediate layer between grid middleware and user software that provides functionality to perform data and functional parallelism. Users without grid skills were able to use grid. The case studies were hadronic tau decays distributed analysis and neutral pion discrimination using genetic programming algorithms.
The added value was a user's transparent framework for reliable data gridification (support execution and results' recovery of many copies of the same binary code running independently and at same time in many computers with different data files) and functional gridification (one binary code running distributed in many grid computers at same time). Data gridification can be used to run Monte Carlo Events generation, raw data analysis, any Root application, or any other generic software. Functional parallelism is done through a library with several functions to run conventional software on the grid with minor changes in the source code. It provides an efficient and secure communication mechanism to allow data transfer between jobs in different worker nodes. If any node goes down, the master program re-submits the task to another worker node. In case some job fails, the necessary information will be recovered automatically and stored in a file for further analysis.
The project was funded by GridPP/UK - PPARC.

Relation with EGEE:
EasyGrid is an intermediate level between EGEE and user's application. Users are able to use grid without knowing what grid is.

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01/01/2008 - 31/12/2009

Category: Infrastructure, Application, Support
Coordinator: MTA SZTAKI - Hungary
Project coordinator: Peter Kacsuk
Activity manager: Robert Lovas


Enabling Desktop Grid for e-Science

The targets of the project are user communities that require large computing power not available or accessible in current scientific e-Infrastructures. In order to support the specific needs of these scientific and other communities the consortium will interconnect the largest European Service Grid, the EGEE infrastructure with existing Desktop Grid systems. Service Grids are more flexible and can accommodate a broader variety of applications than Desktop Grids, however, their setup and maintenance require more efforts, highly skilled IT specialist, and dedicated resources. On the other hand, Desktop Grids are currently restricted solely to a subclass of compute-intensive applications but these easy-to-scale systems are able to collect 1-2 orders of magnitude more compute power by utilizing the involved spare and volunteer IT resources at a fraction of the cost. Making a bridge between these two types of Grid systems will enable the users to transparently execute applications on any arbitrary platform involved in the new infrastructure.

Relation with EGEE:
The consortium will create the integrated infrastructure in two phases in a strong partnership with the EGEE consortium. Phase 1 will establish a bridge enabling Desktop Grid projects to send task to any Virtual Organisations of EGEE that are ready to support such external projects. Phase 2 will create the reverse direction of the bridge extending EGEE with the capacity of connected Desktop Grids, and enabling their user communities to transparently utilize these new resources. During these phases the consortium will train both user communities how to use the integrated infrastructure and will support them in gridifying and making their applications desktop grid enabled for the new infrastructure.

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01/09/2006 - 31/08/2009

Category: Application, Application Development Environment
Coordinator: University of Innsbruck
Project Coordinator:Thomas Fahringer


Online gaming is characterised by the high rate of interaction between the users, requiring very fast updates of information being passed from one computer to another. The faster the updates, the more immersive the game becomes and consequently adds significantly to the whole gaming experience. At present, online games run in static way that is dependant upon tight coupling of computer resources that are not flexible to strong fluctuations in the number of players. Users are very sensitive to interrupted game play, affecting their decision to play and ultimately their decision to purchase. Edutain@Grid seeks to meet these challenges through development of a Grid-based framework allowing responsive and interactive applications to exploit technology that has previously been applied to "big science".

Relation with EGEE:
e-IRG, Middleware Security Group, Resource Allocation and Management.

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01/01/2006 - 31/12/2007

Category:Infrastructure, Support
Coordinator: CIEMAT - Spain
Project Coordinator: Ramon Gavela Gonzalez
Technical Manager: Roberto Barbera


Presented in May to the 6th Framework Programme for Research,Technological Development and Demonstration,of the European Commission (EC), "E-Infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America" - EELA - further more than a project that speaks about a powerful and useful technological infrastructure (Grids, E-Infrastructure, Grid Applications,Training, etc.), is an enormous challenge of collaboration that, because of its approval, will be traduced in the union of two continents and 21 institutions by means of a powerful human network. Using pilot resources available in some centers of Europe (Spain, Portugal and Italy, already integrated within the framework of the European project EGEE) and Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela), EELA will create a human network dedicated to work in Grids, e-Science and e-Infrastructure. EELA's primary goal is: Through specific support actions, to position the Latin American countries at the same level of the European developments in terms of E-Infrastructure.

Relation with EGEE:
Extension and adoption of the EGEE middleware in Latin America.

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01/09/2007 - 31/12/2009

Category: Infrastructure
Coordinator: CESNET
Strategic Director :Dieter Kranzlmueller


The European Grid Initiative (EGI) Design Study represents an effort to establish a sustainable grid infrastructure in Europe. Driven by the needs and requirements of the research community, it is expected to enable the next leap in research infrastructures, thereby supporting collaborative scientific discoveries in the European Research Area (ERA). The main foundations of EGI are the National Grid Initiatives (NGI), which operate the grid infrastructures in each country. EGI will link existing NGIs and will actively support the setup and initiation of new NGIs. The goal of the EGI Design Study (EGI_DS) is to evaluate use cases for the applicability of a coordinated effort, to identify processes and mechanisms for establishing EGI, to define the structure of a corresponding body, and ultimately to initiate the construction of the EGI organization. The EGI Design Study is a project funded by the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme.

Relation with EGEE:
EGI_DS will establish a sustainable grid infrastructure in Europe, thus ensuring the long term support to the EGEE production service. EGI_DS will work closely with EGEE-III to learn from its experience in operating large scale international grid infrastructures.

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01/03/2008 - 28/02/2010

Category:Support action
Coordinator: CERN
Project coordinator :Alberto Di Meglio


ETICS 2 is the second phase of the ETICS project and aims at expanding and enhancing the ETICS system designed and developed during the first phase. ETICS system offers its user community software build, test and quality certification services helping them to better manage complexity and improve the quality of their software. In other words the ETICS services allow users to fully automate the way their software is built and tested providing an "out-of-the-box" build and test system, powered with a build and test product repository and enriched with an automated quality certification model (A-QCM). Among the main users of the ETICS services are EGEE and D4Science.ETICS system is now reaching out to new communities and infrastructures, among these the Aerospace Engineering community and the Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications (DEISA).

Relation with EGEE:
EGEE uses the ETICS build system as the foundation of the build and integration process of the gLite middleware. The EGEE Networking Support team implemented with ETICS system the IPv6 compliance analysis of gLite code and the distributed IPv6 experimental testbed. The EGEE Application Support team also uses the system to build some services and applications such as GridWay and MPI.Soon the ETICS services will be made available to users of the EGEE infrastructure as part of the services that EGEE VOs and sites may offer to their users.

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01/01/2006 - 31/03/2008

Category: Infrastructure, Support
Coordinator: INFN - Italy
Project Manager: Federico Ruggieri
Technical Manager: Giuseppe Andronico


EUChinaGRID will provide specific support actions to foster the integration and interoperability of the Grid infrastructures in Europe (EGEE) and China (CNGrid) for the benefit of eScience applications and worldwide Grid initiatives, in line with the support of the intercontinental extension of the European Research Area (ERA). The project will study and support the extension of a pilot intercontinental infrastructure using the GRID EGEE-enabled applications and will promote the migration of new applications on the Grid infrastructures in Europe and China by training new user communities and supporting the adoption of grid tools and services for scientific applications.

Relation with EGEE:
Interoperability and interoperation between EGEE and CNGRID (European and Chinese Infrastructures), at the middleware level and the network level (interoperability and IPv6 compliance of the two softwares).

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01/01/2004 - 30/04/2007

Category: Infrastructure
Project Coordinator: Stefano Cozzini
Project Coordinator: Alvise Nobile


Set up an italian GRID infrastructure for finance and economic research.

Relation with EGEE:
EGRID was accepted as "pilot application" in April 2005 and is now a Virtual Organization within the EGEE infrastructure.

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01/01/2006 - 31/12/2007

Category: Infrastructure, Support
Coordinator: INFN - Italy
Project Coordinator: Federico Ruggieri
Technical Manager: Roberto Barbera


The objective of the EUMEDGRID project is to, through Specific Support Actions, bring the less-experienced and less-resourced countries of the Mediterranean region to the level of European developments in terms of the eInfrastructures. With the networking infrastructure reaching stability through the EUMEDCONNECT project, the focus of the EUMEDGRID will be on Grid infrastructure and related eScience applications. A broad range of activities will focus on dissemination and outreach, hands-on workshops and close collaboration with related projects such as EUMEDCONNECT / GEANT, EGEE and SEE-GRID.

Relation with EGEE:
The project will extend the European Grid Infrastructure to the Mediterranean Area.

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01/01/2006 - 31/12/2007

Category: Infrastructure, Support
Coordinator: CERN - Switzerland
Project Coordinator: Alberto Di Meglio
Deputy Project Coordinator: Marc-Elian Begin


ETICS stands for "eInfrastructure for Testing, Integration and Configuration of Software". It provides a service to help software developers, managers and users to better manage complexity and improve the quality of their software. Using cutting edge Grid software and best practices, our service allows you to fully automate the way your software is built and tested. In other words, ETICS provide software professionals with an "out-of-the-box" build and test system, powered with a build and test product repository.
ETICS is multi-platform and open source. The client is designed to be simple to install. Results from daily, nightly and continuous builds and tests can be monitored via the web. Users can also browse and edit project data via a secured web application.
The project is funded by the European Commission. The ETICS consortium consists of CERN (coordinator), INFN, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A, 4D Soft Ltd. and the University of Wisconsin/Madison.

Relation with EGEE:
Many development and certification tasks within the JRA1 and SA3 activities of the EGEE project uses services provided by ETICS to build, test and validate the gLite software components.

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01/10/2006 - 30/09/2008

Category: Infrastructure, Support
Coordinator: INFN - Italy
Project Coordinator: Dr. Alberto Masoni
Technical Manager: Dr. Stefano Cozzini


EU-IndiaGrid is funded by the European Commission, Research Infrastructure Unit, and is the first European and Indian Grid-focused project. EU-IndiaGrid supports interconnectivity between the European Grid infrastructure, EGEE, and the Indian Grid infrastructures, Garuda India Grid and Department of Atomic Energy Grid, to build a common infrastructure to support data processing for e-Science application areas, with a particular focus on Biology, High Energy & Condensed Matter Physics and Earth and Atmospheric Sciences.

Relation with EGEE:
EU-IndiaGrid supports interconnectivity between the European Grid infrastructure, EGEE, and the Indian Grid infrastructures, Garuda India Grid and Department of Atomic Energy Grid.

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01/07/2006 - 30/06/2008

Category: Infrastructure, Application, Grid tool development
Coordinator: Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Project Coordinator: Mathias Stumpert


The g-Eclipse project aims to build an integrated workbench framework to access the power of existing Grid infrastructures. The framework will be built on top of the reliable eco-system of the Eclipse community to enable a sustainable development. The framework will provide tools to customize Grid users' applications, to manage Grid resources and to support the development cycle of new Grid applications.

Relation with EGEE:
The g-Eclipse project concentrates on the development of tools for Grid users, Grid operators and Grid developers. Therefore the project does not run its own Grid resources, but will use the Grid resources available from other projects. The general middleware independent framework from the g-Eclipse project will be proved in the first year with the gLite middleware using the EGEE infrastructure.

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01/01/2008 - 31/12/2009

Category: Infrastructure
Coordinator: European Space Agency
Project Coordinator: Luigi Fusco


GENESI-DR (Ground European Network for Earth Science Interoperations - Digital Repositories) has the challenge of establishing open Earth Science Digital Repository access for European and world-wide science users to seamlessly access and share all data, information, products and knowledge originating from space, airborne and in-situ sensors. GENESI-DR shall operate, validate and optimise the integrated access and use available digital data repositories to demonstrate how Europe can best respond to the emerging global needs relating to the state of the Earth, a demand that is unsatisfied so far.

GENESI-DR has identified the following objectives:
-To provide a base for (establishing) a world-wide e-infrastructure for Earth Science with European leadership;
-To provide guaranteed, reliable, easy, effective, and operational access to a variety of data sources, and demonstrate how the same approach can be extended to provide access to all Earth Science data;
-To harmonise operations at key Earth Science data repositories limiting fragmentation of solutions;
-To demonstrate effective curation and prepare the frame for approaching long term preservation of Earth Science data;
-To validate the effective capabilities required to access distributed repositories for new communities, including education, and assess benefits and impacts;
-To integrate new scientific and technological derived paradigms in operational infrastructures in responds to the latest Earth Science requirements.

GENESI-DR builds upon the existing, operational and focused Earth Observation (EO) European infrastructure and involves key Earth Science centres responsible for operational data acquisition, processing, archiving and distribution. GENESI-DR involves key partners of the Ground Segment Coordination Body (GSCB), and it is aligned to the ESA EO Programme Board strategic vision for long term data access and preservation, thus efficient use of already existing and planned developments is guaranteed.

Relation with EGEE:
A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between EGEE and GENESI-DR. The specific goals of the collaboration are:
1. To demonstrate access to the Earth Science (ES) data integrated in the GENESI-DR Research Infrastructure from the EGEE infrastructure;
2. To enable the EGEE ES community and GENESI-DR users to share applications across the two infrastructures.

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01/09/2004 - 31/08/2007

Category:Infrastructure, Application
Coordinator: INFN, Legnaro- Italy
Project Coordinator: Gaetano Maron
Dissemination/Exploitation Manager: Franco Davoli
Technical Board Chair: Roberto Pugliese


Grid enabled Remote Instrumentation with Distributed Control and Computation

Recent developments in Grid technologies have concentrated on providing batch access to distributed computational and storage resources. GRIDCC will extend this to include access to and control of distributed instrumentation. One of the main GRIDCC tasks is to incorporate the new middleware into a few significant applications that will allow software to be validated, both in terms of functionality and quality of service aspects. The final goal of the GRIDCC project is to build a widely distributed system that is able to remotely control and monitoring complex instrumentation.

Relation with EGEE:
GRIDCC both develops new software for architectural components (e.g., the Instrument Element or the Virtual Instrument Grid Service) and adopts architectural elements and related middleware that are being developed within the EGEE framework. This is the case with StoRM, CREAM, and others. Moreover, GRIDCC enables the gLite middleware to interface and control instrumentation.

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01/01/2006 - 30/04/2010

Category: Application
Coordinator: Siemens AG
Project Coordinator:Joerg Freund
Technical Coordinator:Martin Huber


The Health-e-Child project aims at developing an integrated healthcare platform for European pediatrics, providing seamless integration of traditional and emerging sources of biomedical information.

Relation with EGEE:
Health-e-Child will be deploying a medical infrastructure that will connect its participating hospitals. It will use gLite as the grid middleware stack, on top of which high level medical services will be developed to serve the end-user clinicians and other medical applications.

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01/03/2006 - 29/02/2008

Coordinator:National e-Science Centre, Univ.of Edinburgh
Project Officer: Morgane Artacho
Project Coordinator: David Fergusson


ERAis investing heavily in e-Infrastructure (e-I) to stimulate industry, improve the lives of citizens, accelerate research and gain international competitive advantage. For Europe to realise this expectation, there needs to be a diverse, knowledgeable, creative community, skilfully exploiting e-Infrastructure. ICEAGE will catalyse the necessary infrastructure and skills by establishing a world-wide initiative to inspire innovative and effective Grid Education (GE). By Grid Education we mean not only education in the use of the Grid, but also the use of the Grid in education. We use the term "Grid" in a broad sense to include computing and communications technology, working practices and policies that underpin e-Infrastructure.
Good education in rapidly advancing scientific domains is particularly labour intensive. It must draw on the expertise of a small community of pioneers. A major objective of ICEAGE is to provide an effective mechanism for distilling their knowledge and rapidly propagating it across Europe . ICEAGE will create a forum to bring together experts world-wide to expand and advance Grid Education. Building on EGEE, ICEAGE will enable students and educators to obtain and develop Grid Education via sustained, large-scale, multi-purpose e-Infrastructures. ICEAGE will demonstrate the wide potential of Grids, revealing new creative and business opportunities which will lead to the inclusion of social, ethical and economic issues in educational programmes. ICEAGE will show clearly how education can benefit from e-Infrastructure.
ICEAGE will deliver a programme of educational events. Its outcome will be the adoption by European Universities of courses in many disciplines to support the deployment and exploitation of e-Infrastructure. ICEAGE will ensure that citizens are well prepared to use e-Infrastructure in their private and professional lives. It will stimulate European educators by closely coupling the ICEAGE forum with a pioneering educational system, based on e-Infrastructure, involving a dynamic programme of events, shared strategies, information and material.The actions on Education and Training in ICEAGE are to be understood as actions on dissemination of knowledge (in the broader sense).

Relation with EGEE:
ICEAGE is developing the educational aspects of the training program that were generated by the first phase of the EGEE project, in particular ICEAGE has taken over the support for the International Summer School in Grid Computing series which provides an international showcase for grid software and infrastructure such as that created by EGEE.

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Interactive European Grid
01/05/2006 - 30/04/2008

Category: Infrastructure
Project Coordinator: Jesus Marco de Lucas
Deputy Project Coordinator: Jorge Gomes

Interactive European Grid

The goal of the project is to deploy and operate an interoperable production-level e-Infrastructure for demanding interactive applications that will impact the daily work of researchers. The main features of this scientific initiative are:
- Distributed Parallel (MPI) Interactive Computing and Storage at the Tera level
- User Friendly Access through a Grid Interactive Desktop with powerful visualization
- Supporting Virtual Organizations at all levels: setup, collaborative environment, grid enhancement of applications, execution and monitoring tools, discussion of results.

Relation with EGEE:
The relation of the project with EGEE starts at the operational level, where we guarantee interoperability with the EGEE infrastructure. The software from to support interactive and MPI parallel jobs will then be a downloadable set for those sites interested in these features. We plan to work hand to hand with the MPI working group of EGEE in order to deploy a consistent middleware for parallel computing on the Grid.

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01/02/2006 - 31/03/2008

Category: Support
Project Coordinator: Morgane Artacho
Project Technical Coordinator: Denise Heagerty


Integrated Site Security for Grids

Integrated Site Security for Grids (ISSeG) aims to contribute to the consolidation of the European Grid infrastructure in the field of computer security, by creating and disseminating practical expertise on the deployment of Integrated Site Security (ISS), as a complementary action to EGEE Grid Security.
ISS advocates developing technical, administrative and educational security solutions in a consistent and coordinated way. This integration ensures policies, rules, awareness and training all evolve in step with technological developments.
ISSeG is a 26-month project co-funded by the EU FP6 Programme. The consortium comprises three large scientific centres: the European Organization for Particle Physics (CERN) in Switzerland, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK) in Germany, and the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), formerly known as the Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils (CCLRC) based in the United Kingdom.

Relation with EGEE:
The project will disseminate generalised recommendations for Integrated Site Security to Grid communities. In order to maximize synergies with other EU-funded initiatives, ISSeG will exploit the structure put in place by EGEE in particular through designated liaisons and the Operational Security Coordination team.

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01/05/2006 - 30/04/2008

Category: Infrastructure, Support
Coordinator: University of Southampton
Project Coordinator: Alistair Dunlop
Technical Committee Chair: Steven Newhouse


OMII-Europe is an Open Systems project that endorses both the use of open standards and open source. OMII-Europe has chosen particular open standards for the Grid that it believes are essential to interoperability across global resources. The OMII-Europe vision is:
- to harvest open-source, Web-Services-based, Grid software components from across Europe and
- to supply these Grid services in a form that will enable them to interoperate across the platforms: gLite, UNICORE and Globus.

The emphasis is on the re-engineering of software components rather than on the development of new technology. OMII-Europe will develop a repository of quality-assured Grid services running on these existing major Grid infrastructures. The drivers for OMII-Europe are interoperability, quality-assurance and establishing itself as an impartial broker, giving advice on heterogeneous Grid solutions.

Relation with EGEE:
Working with the gLite middleware and ETICS.

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01/05/2006 - 30/04/2008

Category:Infrastructure, Application, Support
Coordinator:GRNET - Greece
Project Admin/Technical Coord.: Ognjen Prnjat
Project Admin/Financial Coord.: Valia Athanasaki


South Eastern European GRid-enabled elnfrastructure Development

SEE-GRID-2 (South Eastern European GRid-enabled e lnfrastructure Development 2) aims to further advance and integrate the existing SEE Grid infrastructure and services, capitalize on the existing SEE-GRID human network to further strengthen scientific collaboration and cooperation among participating SEE communities, and ultimately achieve sustainability for regional and national eInfrastructures that will endure beyond the project's lifetime.

Relation with EGEE:
SEE-GRID established and maintained close ties with other key eInfrastructure projects, such as EGEE that has the pivotal role in creating and deploying Grid technologies for the widespread uptake of eScience applications throughout the European Research Area. SEE-GRID-2 will pursue an already successfully tested and matured approach of, on the one hand, building on and migrating technology achievements, middleware components, and applications from other international Grid projects (in particular EGEE/EGEE-II), and on the other hand, maintaining an independent test bed environment. This strategy offers to the SEE region a balance of ensuring interoperability and avoiding duplicating effort, while simultaneously guaranteeing sufficient flexibility in the region to allow for innovation and prospering of new endeavours - which eventually helps feed back to other regions and grid projects novel ideas and results.

01/09/2004 - 01/09/2008

Category: Infrastructure, Application.
Coordinator: Fraunhofer SCAI, Germany
SIMDAT Management: Yvonne Havertz
SIMDAT Management: Benjamin Schnitzler


Grids for Industrial Product Development.

SIMDAT will improve collaborative design processes and increase the competitive advantage in strategic European industrial sectors. Specific benefits expected include the improvement of car safety, reduction of noise and vibrations in cars, low-noise aircraft able to use short runways, faster and targeted drug discovery and development, enhancement of weather prediction and climate analysis.

Relation with EGEE: SIMDAT targets end-users in industry and services sectors that consider using Grid technology.

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