Press Room
Welcome to the Press Room
The Press Room contains all the press releases from the EGEE project. Further information about the project can be found in the information sheets, posters and other material, which cover many topics from middleware to applications and more.
If you would like to regularly receive the EGEE newsletters or to receive news releases about the project please let us know.
For any question regarding dissemination, please contact the press office:
- EGEE Public Relations and Press Office
CERN - 600-R017
1211 Geneva 23
Switzerland - Email: pressoffice(at)
- Tel: +41 22 767 4176
To hear more from EGEE, follow us on Twitter, the social networking and micro-blogging service.
For more information about how e-science is changing the way science is done, you can now download a free copy of the book "The Fourth Paradigm".
For the worldwide Grid community, EGEE works closely with the EC-funded FP7 GridTalk, a communications project that contributes to the growth of rapidly expanding online newsletter, International Science Grid This Week, and the widely acclaimed GridCafe, a website produced in 2003 and nominated for Pirelli International and Webby awards.
For more information about grid computing, read the GridBriefings, Grid computing in five minutes. You can also visit GridTalk projects: