Collaborating Projects
National Grid Initiatives
What is an NGI?
There is no unique definition for an NGI however, the following are some definitions of what an NGI could be:
- "The national entity responsible for providing Grid access and services to the research and education community." (eIRG White Paper Version 1.2, 30 June 2006)
- "A governance model to guide Grid infrastructure deployment and operation at country level in an application-neutral way." (eIRG White Paper Version 1.6, 22 August 2005)
- "A legally established organisation per country which has the potential to technically and/or financially coordinate the national Grid activities in that country or region and to contribute to the European Grid Initiative tasks." (EGEE-II NA5 Status and Perspectives of National Grid Initiatives Deliverable)
- "Concertated efforts taken at National level in order to deploy, operate, and expand grid infrastructures in a coherent and coordinated way. This usually involves the physical (network) and policy based (e.g. AAA) inter-connection and inter-operation of multiple research and academic organizations (resource centers) under an umbrella of a national programme aiming to integrate the available resources in order to establish an e-Infrastructure for the benefit of the society at large." (SEE-GRID-1 Policy Workshop: A roadmap for establishing National Grid Initiatives)
- "NGI is an open consortium of legal entities or a legal entity acting on their behalf that, for the benefit of research and education community, coordinates, promotes and implements Grid activities at the National level, focusing on Grid deployment and operations, according to a National strategy / research and deployment programme for this field." (SEE-GRID-2 Sustainable Organisational and Operational Approach Deliverable)