Page updated: 01/09/2005
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The EGEE project officially ended on the 31 March 2006

EGEE II started on 1 April 2006 and the new EGEE website can be found at:

What is a Virtual Organisation? (VO)

The EGEE grid works with Virtual Organisations (VO), of which there are currently around 40, therefore it is possible that your potential application for the grid is already covered by one of these VO's.

A VO is simply a group of Grid users with similar interests and requirements who are able to work collaboratively with other members of the group and/or share resources (data, software, cpu, storage space, etc) regardless of geographical location. One example is the Biomedical VO, which consists a large number of biomedical scientists working in several different fields under that banner and in several different countries. You will need to be a member of a VO before you are allowed to submit jobs to the grid, which helps to ensure the integrity of the information stored on the grid network.