The EGEE project officially ended on the 31 March 2006
EGEE II started on 1 April 2006 and the new EGEE website can be found at:
EGEE Activities
The work being carried out within EGEE is organised into eleven "activities", which come under three main areas:
- Networking Activities (NA) which are the management and coordination of all the commmunication aspects of the project
- Specific Service Activities (SA) are the support, operation and management of the Grid as well as the provision of network resources
- Research Activities (JRA) concentrate on Grid research and development
Information sheets and descriptions of the various activities are available for download in many languages.
EGEE Networking Activities (NA)
28 per cent of the funding is going towards the Networking Activities which are divided into five different areas:
- Networking Activity 1 (NA1) is the overall management of the project.
- Networking Activity 2 (NA2) is Information Dissemination and Outreach and includes tasks such as running the external website, organising conferences and managing the distribution of publications.
- Networking Activity 3 (NA3) is User Training and Induction and includes tasks such as organising on-site training and producing training and course material.
- Networking Activity 4 (NA4) is Application Identification and Support and includes tasks such as supporting pilot applications and identifying new users.
- Networking Activity 5 (NA5) is Policy and International Cooperation and includes tasks such as liaising with parties interested in the EGEE project on an international level.
EGEE Specific Service Activities (SA)
48 per cent of the funding is going towards the Specific Service Activities which are divided into two different areas:
- Specific Service Activity 1 (SA1) is European Grid Support, Operation and Management and includes tasks such as grid monitoring and control and resource and user support.
- Specific Service Activity 2 (SA2) is Network Resource Provision and includes tasks such as policies and service level agreements.
EGEE Joint Research Activities (JRA)
24 per cent of the funding is going toward the Joint Research Activities which are divided into four different areas:
- Joint Research Activity 1 (JRA1) is Middleware Re-engineering and Integration and includes tasks such as re-engineering existing middleware, integrating middleware, testing and validation.
- Joint Research Activity 2 (JRA2) is Quality Assurance and includes tasks such as ensuring that processes, products and operation services conform to project requirements, standards and procedures.
- Joint Research Activity 3 (JRA3) is Security and includes tasks such as developing security frameworks and policies and designing security mechanisms.
- Joint Research Activity 4 (JRA4) is Network Service Development and includes tasks such as developing interfaces to the network and advance reservations of network connectivity in terms of bandwidth, duration and quality of service.