EGEE Project

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The EGEE Project is organised into 9 "activities", grouped in three main areas:

  • Networking Activities
  • Service Activities
  • Joint Research Activities
Networking Activities Specific Service Activities
NA1: Management
Bob Jones, CERN
SA1: Operations
Maite Baroso Lopez, CERN
NA2: Dissemination
Catherine Gater, CERN
SA2: Networking Support
Xavier Jeannin, CNRS
NA3: Training
Robin McConnell, UEDIN   
SA3: Integration, testing & cert.
Oliver Keeble, CERN
NA4: Applications
Charles A. Loomis, Jr., CNRS
Joint Research Activities
NA5: International Coop. & Policy
Christos Kanellopoulos, GRNET   
JRA1: Middleware engineering
Francesco Giacomini, INFN

A list of boards and committees can be found here.

These activities will work in concert to maintain and drive the infrastructure operations, provide the necessary training, support and dissemination for existing and new user communities that use the infrastructure, and work in close collaboration to ensure the infrastructure is prepared for sustainability. A new user community (business or scientific) first makes contacts with EGEE-III through outreach events organised by the Networking Activities. Follow-up meetings by applications specialists lead to an experimental phase and a detailed deployment plan. The introduction of new applications and new user communities may lead to new requirements causing additions or modifications to be made to the Grid middleware via the Middleware Engineering Activity or collaborating projects. The Networking Activities then provide appropriate training to the community in question, so that it becomes an established user. Peer communication and dissemination events featuring established users then attract new communities. This virtuous cycle is depicted below.