The EGEE project officially ended on the 31 March 2006
EGEE II started on 1 April 2006 and the new EGEE website can be found at:
EGEE Partners
The EGEE Partners are those people and institutions that are currently using the Grid or providing a computational resource to it. The EGEE project consists of two-types of partners: contracting and non-contracting partners.
EGEE contracting partners have signed the EGEE contract and receive contributions from the EU, whereas non-contracting partners do not receive any EU contributions but are interested in the programme of work and participate in some EGEE activities.
A list of EGEE non-contracting partners is available here, and a list of Non-Contracting Partners who have signed a Memorandum of Understanding is available here.
Contracting Partners
# | Organisation | Acronym | Federation | Country | Activities |
1 | European Organization for Particle Physics | CERN | CERN | Switzerland | NA1; NA4; NA5; SA1 ; JRA1 |
2 | Institut fr Graphische und Parallele Datenverarbeitung der Joh. Kepler Universit t Linz | GUP | Central Europe | Austria | SA1; NA2; NA3 |
3 | Institut fr Informatik der Universitaet Innsbruck | UNIINNSBRUCK | Central Europe | Austria | SA1; NA3 |
4 | CESNET, z.s.p.o. | CESNET | Central Europe | Czech Republic | SA1; NA3; NA4; JRA1 |
5 | Budapest University of Technology and Economics | BUTE | Central Europe | Hungary | NA2; NA3 |
6 | Eotvos Lorand University Budapest | ELUB | Central Europe | Hungary | NA2; NA3 |
7 | KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics | KFKI RMKI | Central Europe | Hungary | SA1 |
8 | Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Szamiastecnikai es Automatizalasi Kutato Intezet | MTA SZTAKI | Central Europe | Hungary | NA2; NA3; NA4; SA1 |
9 | Office for National Information and Infrastructure Development | NIIF | Central Europe | Hungary | SA1 |
10 | Akademickie Centrum Komputerowe CYFRONET akademii Gorniczo-Hutniczej im.St. Staszica w Krakowie | CYFRONET | Central Europe | Poland | SA1 |
11 | Warsaw University Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling | ICM | Central Europe | Poland | SA1; NA3 |
12 | Institute of Biorganic Chemistry PAN, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center | PSNC | Central Europe | Poland | SA1 |
13 | Ustav Informatiky, Slovenska Akademia vied | II-SAS | Central Europe | Slovakia | NA3; SA1 |
14 | Jozef Stefan Institute | JSI | Central Europe | Slovenia | SA1 |
15 | The Provost Fellows and Scholars of the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin | TCD | Ireland and United Kingdom | Ireland | SA1 |
16 | Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils | CCLRC | Ireland and United Kingdom | United Kingdom | SA1; JRA1 |
17 | The University of Edinburgh | NESC (UEDIN) | Ireland and United Kingdom | United Kingdom | NA2; NA3; NA4; JRA4 |
18 | Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council | PPARC | Ireland and United Kingdom | United Kingdom | NA3, NA5, SA1 |
19 | University College of London | UCL | Ireland and United Kingdom | United Kingdom | JRA4 |
20 | Commissariat l'Energie Atomique, Direction des Sciences de la Matire | CEA/DSM | France | France | SA1 |
21 | Compagnie Générale de Géophysique | CGG | France | France | SA1 |
22 | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique | CNRS | France | France | NA4; SA1; SA2; JRA2; JRA4 |
23 | CS Système d'Information Communication & Systèmes | CSSI | France | France | SA1; JRA2 |
24 | Centrale Recherche S.A. | CRSA | France | France | NA4 |
25 | Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron | DESY | Germany and Switzerland | Germany | SA1 |
26 | Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH | DKRZ | Germany and Switzerland | Germany | NA4 |
27 | Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Frderung der Angewandten Forschung e.V. | FhG | Germany and Switzerland | Germany | NA4; SA1 |
28 | Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH | FZK | Germany and Switzerland | Germany | SA1; NA2; NA3 |
29 | Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung GmbH | GSI | Germany and Switzerland | Germany | SA1 |
30 | DATAMAT S.p.A. | DATAMAT | Italy | Italy | JRA1 |
31 | Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare | INFN | Italy | Italy | NA2; NA3; NA4; NA5; SA1; JRA1 |
32 | Trans-European Research and Networking Association | TERENA | NREN | The Netherlands | NA2 |
33 | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | VUB | Northern Europe | Belgium | NA2 |
34 | Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen | KU-NATFAK | Northern Europe | Denmark | NA3 |
35 | University of Helsinki | UH HIP | Northern Europe | Finland | JRA3 |
36 | Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter | FOM | Northern Europe | The Netherlands | NA4; SA1; JRA3 |
37 | Stichting Academisch Rekencentrum Amsterdam | SARA | Northern Europe | The Netherlands | SA1 |
38 | Universiteit van Amsterdam | UvA | Northern Europe | The Netherlands | JRA3 |
39 | University of Bergen | UiB | Northern Europe | Norway | JRA3 |
40 | Vetenskapsrdet, The Swedish Research Council | VR | Northern Europe | Sweden | SA1 |
41 | Institute of High Energy Physics | IHEP | Russia | Russia | NA2; NA3; NA4; SA1 |
42 | Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology of Russian Academy of Sciences | IMPB RAS | Russia | Russia | NA2; NA3; NA4; SA1 |
43 | Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics | ITEP | Russia | Russia | NA2; NA3; NA4; SA1 |
44 | Joint Institute for Nuclear Research | JINR | Russia | Russia | NA2; NA3; NA4; SA1 |
45 | Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow | KIAM RAS | Russia | Russia | NA2; SA1 |
46 | Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences | PNPI | Russia | Russia | NA2; NA3; NA4; SA1 |
47 | Russian Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute" | RRC KI | Russia | Russia | NA2; NA3; NA4; SA1; SA2 |
48 | Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University | SINP-MSU | Russia | Russia | NA2; NA4; SA1 |
49 | Central Lab. for Parallel Processing, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | CLPP-BAS | South-East Europe | Bulgaria | NA2; SA1 |
50 | University of Cyprus | UCY | South-East Europe | Cyprus | NA2; SA1 |
51 | Greek Research and Technology Network | GRNET | South-East Europe | Greece | SA1; SA2; NA2; NA3; NA5 |
52 | Tel Aviv University | TAU | South-East Europe | Israel | SA1; NA3 |
53 | National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics | ICI | South-East Europe | Romania | SA1; NA3 |
54 | Laborat rio de Instrumenta o e Fsica Experimental de Part culas | LIP | South-West Europe | Portugal | SA1 |
55 | S.A.X. Centro de Supercomputacin de Galicia | CESGA | South-West Europe | Spain | SA1 |
56 | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas | CSIC | South-West Europe | Spain | NA4; SA1; NA5 |
57 | Institut de F sica dAltes Energies, | IFAE | South-West Europe | Spain | SA1 |
58 | Instituto Nacional de Tcnica Aeroespacial | INTA | South-West Europe | Spain | SA1 |
59 | Universidad Polit cnica de Valencia | UPV | South-West Europe | Spain | NA4 |
60 | University of Chicago | University of Chicago | United States | United States | JRA1 |
61 | University of Southern California, Marina del Rey | USC | United States | United States | JRA1 |
62 | The Board of Regents for the University of Wisconsin System | Wisconsin-Madison University | United States | United States | JRA1 |
63 | Royal Institute of Technology - Center for Parallel Computers (PDC) | KTH | Northern Europe | Sweden | JRA3 |
64 | Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energia e l'Ambiente | ENEA | Italy | Italy | SA1 |
65 | Universit degli Studi della | UniCal | Italy | Italy | SA1 |
66 | Universit degli Studi di Lecce | UniLe | Italy | Italy | SA1 |
67 | Universit degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | UniNa | Italy | Italy | SA1 |
68 | Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe Limited | DANTE | NREN | United Kingdom | JRA4 |
69 | Verein zur Foerderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes e.V. | DFN | NREN | Germany | JRA4; NA5 |
70 | Consortium GARR | GARR | NREN | Italy | NA5; JRA4 |